Engaging young learners of English with multilingual digital storytelling (MDST) during covid-19 school closure
The use of Multilingual Multimedia Storytelling (MDST) to teach English to primary school students is nothing new in Indonesia. However, digital learning is still not implemented in practice because English in primary schools is a local subject and a foreign language. In this research, the researchers used Multilingual Digital Storytelling (MDST) as a model for encouraging and reflecting on multiliteracy in education. They understand the importance of storytelling, and interactive storytelling has self-representation and communication with others. This research explicitly outlines our experience of using MDST as a pedagogical innovation for pupils aged 12 years. In this MDST project, students co-created digital stories as multimodal texts. In this regard, they used a variety of multilingual (e.g. Javanese, Bahasa Indonesia, and English) as well as visual and technical resources, which enabled them to communicate their real-life experience through digital stories. The practical consequences of the project are that English primary school teachers will experiment with MDST to involve students in effective project-based language learning.
The multilingual digital story (MDST) -making learning provided students with a new way to tell their own
story in a multilingual way, and to share and explore their life experiences through the production of digital
2. Engaging students with multilingual digital stories, they have more creatively developed their stories based
on images taken by themselves.
3. English primary school teachers will experiment with MDST to engage students in language learning as an
effective method of innovative learning.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Ermawati Zulikhatin Nuroh , Pratiwi Retnaningdyah , Ahmad Munir

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