Adolescent EFL learners’ English assessment preferences: Emergence of ICT-based evaluation
The incorporation of technology into education has impacted numerous facets, assessment being no exception. This study employed a descriptive-qualitative methodology to investigate the English assessment preferences of adolescent learners. There were 126 eighth-grade students voluntarily engaged and completed an open-ended online survey about issue under discussion. Through interactive data analysis, gathered data were examined qualitatively. The primary results portray three main findings: 1) in general, the majority of participants tend to prefer written over spoken form of assessment in the English lesson; 2) more participants prefer game quizzes as the assessment preference; and 3) the majority of participants believe English assessment should be differentiated to accommodate learners’ diversity. Presented findings illustrate a pattern indicating English proficiency of learners significantly influences their assessment preferences. Additionally, it is discovered that ICT-based evaluation has emerged among recent adolescent learners. As the results span a vast range of topics, it is anticipated that additional study will be conducted utilizing this research's gaps.
- Generally, the majority of investigated adolescent learners tend to prefer written over spoken form of assessment in the English lesson.
- In specific, there are more investigated adolescent learners who prefer game quizzes as their assessment preference over the form of English assessments.
- The majority of investigated adolescent learners believe that English assessment should be differentiated to accommodate learners’ diversity.
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