The Effectiveness of Inside-Outside Circle Method by Using Cue Card for Students’ Speaking Ability at Seventh Graders

Keefektifan Metode Inside-Outside Circle dengan Menggunakan Cue Card untuk Kemampuan Berbicara Siswa Kelas Tujuh

  • (1) * Armeria Wijaya            Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya  

  • (2)  Mochammad Sudrajad            Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya  

    (*) Corresponding Author


As far as the researcher’s knowledge, the analysis of “The Effectiveness of Inside-Outside Circle Method  by Using Cue Card for Students’ Speaking Ability” is still difficult to find, the researcher formulates the  statement of the research, Inside-Outside Circle method is effective for student’s speaking ability. The objective of research is to find out whether Inside-Outside Circle method can be effectively for students’ speaking ability. This research uses experimental design. The subject are 7B grade as experimental group and 7C as controlled group at SMP Muhammadiyah 11 Surabaya, this sample is taken by snowball sampling. The data collection uses test (pre-test and post-test) as intrument to measure the result of students. The results of the research will be counted using T-test statistic with


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Picture in here are illustration from public domain image (License) or provided by the author, as part of their works
How to Cite
Wijaya, A., & Sudrajad, M. (2016). The Effectiveness of Inside-Outside Circle Method by Using Cue Card for Students’ Speaking Ability at Seventh Graders. JEES (Journal of English Educators Society), 1(1), jees.v1i1.146.